Best Practices, Built In.

Prudent Practices® for Financial Advisors has been the foundation for everything we do as a company since 1999. You can have confidence that our software has the gold standard of prudent fiduciary processes built right in, so that you can spend more time focused on building your business.

Increasing client satisfaction and minimizing liability is as simple as “Green is Good” with the Fi360 Fiduciary Score

For over 15 years, the Score has been used as a transparent and objective investment rating system used to evaluate open-ended mutual funds, ETFs, collective investment trust funds and group retirement annuities. It helps financial professionals demonstrate a prudent investment selection and monitoring process with highly visual displays that clients can easily understand.

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Rely on Fi360 best practice IPS templates, but easily customize where you need to

Fi360 provides a framework for you to create the Investment Policy Statement for a wide range of clients, from retirement plans to individual and family wealth. Each template is completely configurable allowing you to standardize most of your IPS language while building in flexibility for client-specific needs. Use the Fi360 templates as is, copy them and make your own modifications, or start from scratch by uploading an existing WORD doc. It’s that simple.

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Editing your own template

Flexibility to create your own due diligence process

Create and assign a consistent due diligence process across your firm with the flexibility to build unique criteria for a given client if needed. Integrate your due diligence process so that each client’s IPS will always match their monitoring reports.

  • Create different due diligence criteria for different investment types such as active vs passive
  • Each data point in your due diligence process can be required on its own or grouped together with other data points allowing for a flexible evaluation

    • (ex. 3 of 5 data points must pass)
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Configure the data points and thresholds that you want included in your watch list trigger

Configure your IPS Template to include the client’s due diligence criteria

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